Shops,Wanstead,E11,A1 , Let
2269 sq ft ( 210.7901 sq m)
Size: 2269Sq ft | Property Type: Shops Tenure: Leasehold | Area: Wanstead | Postcode: E11
Bennett Phillips Luton
199a High Road
IG10 4LF
Substantial fully fitted café / bistro premises in highly sought after trading location
Approx 2,269sq ft (210.79m sq)
Lease for Sale with or without Fixtures & Fittings.
Comprising two intercommunicating shopfront premises (Class E) use, which have been knocked through to create one large unit providing servery’s, customer seating (approx 60 covers), kitchen, managers office, storage & WC facilities. At the rear of 41 High Street there is a yard which has access for deliveries from Stables Row (off Nightingale Lane). At the front of the property there is a large forecourt which can accommodate seating for approx 16 covers. Approximate floor areas & dimensions are as follows: Gross frontage 36’3’’ (11.04m) Built depth (max) 87’ 6’’ (26.67m) Shop width 34’ 3’’ (10.43m) Sales area 1,692sq ft (157.19m sq) Kitchen 334sq ft (31.02m sq) Storage 118s ft (10.96m sq) Office 125sq ft (11.61m sq) Total 2,269sq ft (210.79m sq) Basements – Restricted access, not inspected. External - Yard & Forecourt
Our client is looking to Assign the unexpired term of their existing Lease which commenced on 11th May 2022 for a period of 12 years, subject to 4 yearly upward only rent reviews. We understand the lease was granted inside the provisions of the Landlord & Tenant Act.
£61,000pax paid quarterly in advance. We understand VAT is not applicable. PREMIUM We are instructed to seek a premium of £60,000 for the benefit of our client’s Leasehold interest. An additional sum of £40,000 is sought for the benefit of the f & f if required, which will include kitchen equipment, tables & chairs, counters, display fridges & light fittings. Stock & our client’s personal effects are not included. There is also a coffee machine which can be made available by separate negotiation.
Rateable Value 2024/2025 - £56,500 per annum Rates Payable 2024/2025 - £30,849 per annum Retail & Leisure premises - From 01/04/23 until 31/03/24 at the earliest, a tenant's rates liability will be based on paying 25% of the annual rates payable (RP). Whilst this information is provided in good faith, prospective tenants are advised to make their own enquiries to establish whether they qualify for full or partial rate relief.
Each party are to be responsible for their own legal costs. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE Upon terms being agreed and prior to Solicitor's being instructed, the prospective tenant or purchaser is to pay an administrative fee of £500 plus VAT to Bennett Phillips Luton. This fee will cover all associated administrative costs including any referencing fees incurred. In the event that the Landlord or vendor withdraws from the transaction once solicitors are instructed, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
Immediate upon completion of legalities.
Strictly by appointment through agents Bennett Phillips Luton | 0208 501 3000 Contact Marc Luton at
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