Shops,Edmonton,N9 9BU,A5 , Let
544 sq ft ( 50.5376 sq m)
Size: 544Sq ft | Property Type: Shops Tenure: Leasehold | Area: Edmonton | Postcode: N9 9BU
Bennett Phillips Luton
199a High Road
IG10 4LF
Lock-up shop with historic (A5) take-away use
To Let
• *(A5) use
• Within a densely populated residential catchment area
• Electric Shutters
• Aluminium shopfront
• Unrestricted customer parking
Comprising a lock-up shop, currently laid out to provide a sales area with ancillary storage / additional sales, separated by a demountable partition, which can be opened to increase the sales area if required . In addition, there is a kitchen / prep area at the rear of the shop, WC, small store & rear access over a shared yard which leads onto a gated service road which can be used for deliveries. Approx floor areas & dimensions are as follows: Gross frontage 19’ 0’’ (5.79m) Shop depth 29’0’’ (8.83m) Shop width 18’ 9’’ (5.71m) Existing sales area 306sq ft (28.42m sq) Additional sales / ancillary storage 238sq ft (22.11m sq) Total 544sq ft (50.53m sq) Kitchen 138sq ft (12.82m sq) Rear gated access for deliveries. *Planning. We understand from our client the property has traded as a take-away (A5) use since 1995. These pre-dates the amendment to the Town & Country Planning Act (Sept 2020), following which, take-away premises are now categorised as Sui Generis use. Whilst we believe the property has inherited the continuous right to be used as a take-away, tenants are encouraged to make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves this is the case.
• *(A5) use • Within a densely populated residential catchment area • Electric Shutters • Aluminium shopfront • Unrestricted customer parking
A new FRI Lease is to be granted for a term of 10 to 15 years subject to 3 yearly RPI linked rent reviews. The Lease is to be drawn inside the Landlord & Tenant Act.
£15,500pax paid quarterly in advance. We understand VAT is not applicable.
According to the VOA website, the RV is £12,000 meaning qualifying tenants will not be liable to pay Business Rates. Tenants are however encouraged to make their own enquiries to the Local Authority to verify this.
Legal Fees: Ingoing party to be responsible for both sets of legal fees. Administrative Fee. Upon terms being agreed and prior to Solicitor’s being instructed, the prospective tenant or purchaser is to pay an administrative fee of £500 plus VAT to Bennett Phillips Luton. This fee will cover all associated administrative costs including any referencing fees incurred. In the event that the Landlord or Vendor withdraws from the transaction once solicitors are instructed, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
Immediate upon completion of legalities.
Strictly by appointment through sole agents Bennett Phillips Luton | 0208 501 3000 Contact Marc Luton at
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