Shops,Loughton,IG10 1RB,A1 , Let
984 sq ft ( 91.4136 sq m)
Size: 984Sq ft | Property Type: Shops Tenure: Leasehold | Area: Loughton | Postcode: IG10 1RB
Bennett Phillips Luton
199a High Road
IG10 4LF
Lock-Up Shop with Class E Use To Let Unit 3 258 High Road, Loughton, IG10 1RB
Comprising a lock-up shop with Class E use, laid out to provide a sales area of approximately 985 sq ft with WC facilities & rear access onto a Service yard for deliveries. Car parking will not be demised under the terms of the Lease.
• Tiled Floor • Suspended Ceiling with concealed florescent lighting • Aluminium shopfront • Electric Shutters • Air Conditioning units
A new FRI Lease is to be granted for a term to be agreed, drawn outside the provision of the Landlord & Tenant Act.
£28,000 pax paid quarterly in advance.
Rateable Value April 2023/2024- £28,750 Rates Payable April 2023/2024- £14,346 per annum Retail & Leisure premises - From 01/04/23 until 31/03/24 at the earliest, a tenant’s rates liability will be based on paying 25% of the annual rates payable (RP). Whilst this information is provided in good faith, prospective tenants are advised to make their own enquiries to establish whether they qualify for full or partial rate relief.
Both parties reasonable legal costs are to be met by the ingoing tenant. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: Upon terms being agreed and prior to Solicitor’s being instructed, the prospective tenant or purchaser is to pay an administrative fee of £500 plus VAT to Bennett Phillips Luton. This fee will cover all associated administrative costs including any referencing fees incurred. In the event that the Landlord or Vendor withdraws from the transaction once solicitors are instructed, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
Immediate upon completion of legal formalities.
Strictly by prior appointment
The Government has today released the proposed changes to the Use Classes Order which relates to land within England onl..